
Recredentialing maintains your original certification date and allows physicians to maintain active certification with CMET.


Most hospitals and wound healing centers require recertification. The recommendation is that our physicians recertify. However, there are physicians for whom wound care recertification is not needed. An alternate pathway to maintain certification is being offered. “Recredentialing” maintains the original certification date and allows physicians to maintain active certification with the Council for Medical Education and Testing.

Recredentialing is not the same as recertification. Recertification provides an updated certification date. Recredentialing maintains the original certification date. To clarify the difference, we are often requested to verify credentials by hospitals and wound healing centers. In these cases, when certification date is requested from a facility, the information that is given is dependent on the pathway chosen. We anticipate that the majority of our CMET physicians will recertify but this is an alternative to allow those doctors not requiring recertification to maintain their CMET “certified” status.


1. Complete Recredentialing Registration

Please use the form below to register for Recredentialing

2. Complete the APWH Online Review Course

Recredentialing requires completing the Academy of Physicians in Wound Healing (APWH) Online Wound Review and Refresher Course. The course provides 12.35 podiatric medical education credits and 13 AMA/PRA Category 1 Credits. The online review course and the material described above must be completed by December 31 of the year that the certification is to expire.

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in Wound Healing!