CMET Certification Exam


SKU: N/A Category:

Physician Exam

Single Fee: $850.00

Once registered for the online exam, detailed information regarding the online exam process, including the selection of the date and time will be sent via email. If you have any questions, please email or call 855-842-2638.


Single Fee: $550.00

Council for Medical Education and Testing (CMET) recertification fee. CMET certification is the most widely accepted physician specific certification in wound healing in the US today and is administered by a physician specific organization.

For more details on Pathway definitions, see our Recertification Pathways.

Resident Exam

Single Fee: $500.00

Once registered for the online exam, detailed information regarding the online exam process, including the selection of the date and time will be sent via email. If you have any questions, please email or call 855-842-2638.